The First Descendant: A Comprehensive Guide for New Players

The First Descendant is an upcoming free-to-play looter shooter that has undergone significant improvements since its beta tests in 2023. The game is set to launch on July 2nd, and here are 15 essential things you need to know before diving in.

For more information about The First Descendant, please follow U4GM. From The First Descendant Demo to the public beta, we have been paying close attention to this game and providing players with the best The First Descendant Boosting services in a timely manner.

  • Grappling Hook Enhancements
    The grappling hook is a standout feature in The First Descendant, offering 360° movement for dynamic traversal. It allows players to swing in any direction, adjust acceleration, and grapple anywhere in the environment. This tool is crucial for both mobility and combat, especially in boss battles.

  • Refined Movement and Parkour
    The game’s movement mechanics have been meticulously refined through beta tests. Characters can now mount and vault on ledges with fluid animations. Ledge hanging enables players to focus on shooting rather than precise platforming, enhancing both combat and exploration.

  • Power Module System
    The First Descendant features a power module system for extensive build customization. With over 600 modules at launch, players can modify weapons and skills in various ways. Loadouts allow players to switch between pre-existing module setups without starting from scratch.

  • PvP and PvE Focus
    The game is primarily a PvE shooter, with no current plans for PvP modes. Nexon is concentrating on perfecting the PvE experience, though a PvP mode may be introduced after a year or so of updates.

  • Cosmetic Customization
    Despite the lack of a full character creator, The First Descendant offers extensive cosmetic customization. Players can choose from character skins, weapon skins, grapple hook skins, spawn animations, emotes, and UI themes to personalize their experience.

  • Content-Rich Open World
    The open-world fields have been enriched with mini-games, collectibles, side quests, and more. Players can engage in various activities, such as Vulgus Recon Outposts and void fusion reactors, enhancing the overall content density.

  • Streamlined Online Sessions
    Online sessions now take place in smaller battlefield sections within the fields, reducing dead time and increasing combat intensity. Exploration is relegated to side activities, ensuring a better balance between action and downtime.

  • Challenging Instance Dungeons
    Instance dungeons offer challenging endgame content with normal and hard difficulty settings. These dungeons include traps, puzzles, and unique bosses, providing substantial variety and rewards for players.

  • Modular Difficulty
    Players can impose modular difficulty settings on themselves for better rewards. Different mission types and fields have normal and hard difficulties, with varying enemy spawns and loot.

  • Laboratory Zone
    The laboratory zone allows players to test various equipment and characters. This environment offers a convenient space to experiment with gear, cosmetics, and summonable monsters for combat testing.

  • Dedicated Journal and Item Library
    The game includes a journal, item library, and achievements to track progress. The item library helps players keep track of collected items and streamline farming with targeted loot tracking.

  • Boss Battles with Verticality
    Large boss battles feature phases and part detachment, appealing to Monster Hunter fans. The ability to grapple onto bosses adds verticality and makes melee builds viable. Environmental puzzles may be required to overcome invulnerability phases.

  • Improved UX/UI
    The game’s menus have been refined with tooltips, equipment comparison screens, filters, and simultaneous objective waypoints. These improvements enhance the overall user experience and gameplay smoothness.

  • Versatile System Requirements
    Despite its Unreal Engine 5 graphics, the game requires only 50 GB of storage and 8 GB of RAM. It can run on older hardware, though with reduced fidelity and performance.

  • Crossplay Compatibility
    The First Descendant supports crossplay between PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox Series X/S, and Xbox One. While the team is new to console development, they are dedicated to optimizing the game for all platforms.

Get ready to dive into the world of The First Descendant on July 2nd and experience its enhanced features and gameplay improvements firsthand!